by Christine Thome | Jul 25, 2022 | Backup, Storage
You won’t win any fashion awards for wearing a belt and suspenders, but the combination can save you from being caught with your pants down. Data loss, or the inability to access your data, will cause more than red cheek blushing from a fashion faux pas. It can...
by Christine Thome | Jul 25, 2022 | Security
Security for the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and operational technology (OT) is in its infancy in many organizations. Several factors — including security incidents — are driving awareness and improvements. There’s certainly plenty of room for both,...
by Christine Thome | May 23, 2022 | Networking
Some embrace change, others run from it. The past two years hammered home the inevitability of change – especially from a business perspective. And as the era of remote work takes flight, and the infinite enterprise extends wings to touch all points of the...
by Christine Thome | May 18, 2022 | Security
Successful ransomware attacks cost businesses millions of dollars each year. The cybercriminals behind these attacks use a variety of vectors to find vulnerabilities to exploit. According to the recent ESG report, The Long Road Ahead to Ransomware Preparedness, while...
by Christine Thome | May 18, 2022 | Networking
As children, we love fairy tales for their happy endings. As we become adults, however, we realize that happy endings aren’t always guaranteed. Sometimes, good ideas end up with bad results or, more often, no result at all. IT professionals are very familiar with this...