by Christine Thome | Jun 15, 2021 | Security
The growing number and magnitude of cyberattacks impacts organizations across all sectors, and cyber incidents remain among the top ranked business risks globally. Security defenses, however, are not keeping up with cyberthreats. Although businesses worldwide spent...
by Christine Thome | May 12, 2021 | Security
The recent news about the Colonial Pipeline attack leaves many IT and Security practitioners asking – “if this doesn’t clearly show that we are currently in a security crisis, what will?” On Friday, May 7, 2021, Colonial Pipeline disclosed that they had...
by Christine Thome | Apr 1, 2021 | Cloud, Security
Cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) place a high priority on the security of their infrastructure and services, and are subject to regular, stringent third-party compliance audits. These CSPs provide a secure foundation, but clients are still...
by Christine Thome | Mar 10, 2021 | Cloud, Security
In the era before cloud computing, enterprises could expect to be responsible for securing everything — the systems in the data center, their applications, everything. Today, cloud service providers are ready, willing and able to take some of that burden off of their...
by Christine Thome | Feb 4, 2021 | Security, Uncategorized
Just about every story you read about responding to ransomware includes the directive to “never pay the ransom.” That’s easy enough to say if you’re not the one whose data is being held hostage. And the odds are pretty good it will happen to your company. CyberEdge’s...
by Christine Thome | Feb 4, 2021 | mobile threats, Security
Ransomware is nothing short of a cyber pestilence. Its financial impact in 2019 was estimated at at over $7.5 billion. And 2021 is off to an equally inauspicious start, with many potential attacks to be aware of, along with the massive SolarWinds supply chain...