During recent years, momentum toward cloud computing has shifted significantly. Cloud storage is now widely used by many businesses and organizations, and for good reason: It is a nimble and cost-effective option. However, with the opportunities and benefits of cloud storage come very real data security threats. How can you be sure your sensitive data is safely stored in the cloud?
To start, do not assume that your cloud service provider is providing data protection. Consider this quote from a recent Forbes article discussing the misconceptions related to cloud computing: “Most users of cloud-based services wrongly assume that the service provider is responsible for managing the data, access and usage of their service. This just isn’t the case. Cloud service providers are charged with ensuring that their application and IT infrastructure is secure and in working order.” That means that businesses have a serious responsibility to ensure that their cloud computing is secure and their sensitive business data is not at risk of a breach.
If your business or organization stores valuable data in the cloud, it will be critical for you to employ a data security solution that will protect your business operations. Such a solution could involve:
- Encryption – To prevent sensitive information being stolen, encryption encodes your information so that it is accessible only to someone with a unique key.
- Authentication – Authentication requires specific credentials to be provided in order for someone to access information. Put simply, it confirms that a user is who he or she claims to be.
- Stronger passwords – Sometimes all that exists between your sensitive data and a potential hacker is a password. For that reason, password strength is absolutely essential.
- Virtualized environment – Virtualization, the technology at the core of cloud computing, creates a private cloud, which gives your business more control and flexibility.
If you are ready to learn more about how virtualization and other solutions to protect your data in the cloud can enhance your business, contact the team at CHI Corporation today. We look forward to matching your needs with the right security solution.