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Join Chi and our Partners for a Special Event

You are invited to join Chi and our partners at our special events held throughout the year. Some are designed to educate and others are strictly for fun. Either way, we guarantee you’ll have a great time and we encourage you to bring others with you.

Check back regularly for new events or let us know if you would like to be added to our events list and we’ll make sure you don’t miss an invitation.

For more information about an event or to register please contact Chi’s Marketing Director, Christine Thome, at 440-498-2312 or

Thursday, April 3, 2025

Tap into Tech with Chi and Scale Computing at Fat Head’s Brewery

Come out to Fat Head’s Brewery and meet the local Scale Computing team. We’ll enjoy some great beers, food and casual conversations – no sales presentations!


Tap into Tech with Chi and Scale Computing
Fat Head’s Brewery
Thursday, April 3, 2025
17450 Engle Lake Road
Middleburg Hts., OH 44130

Bring your IT team and stop by anytime between 4:00 – 7:00 pm

Plus, the first 15 people will get a growler of their favorite Fat Head’s beer to take home!