Software Defined Storage: Is it really new?

“Software Defined Storage” is one of the latest buzz words in the industry, and everyone wants to jump on board. The term has been defined many ways, however the most standard definition is a storage solution that abstracts services from physical storage hardware....

6 Things to Know about Erate Modernization for 2015

Erate is changing in 2015 dramatically. Here are some of the top things to know about the changes to erate, how it will affect you and how to prepare for it. Everyone needs to apply because there is money for everyone Recommended bandwidth levels per student for...

Is Written Company Policy up to Par?

Writing security policy is a complicated task that should involve input from players from upper management, human resources, staff representatives, IT, physical security, legal, and marketing / public relations. In small businesses one person may take on multiple...

Who Owns Security?

Businesses find themselves in many different stages of development when it comes to information technology and security. Smaller businesses may not have anyone on staff dedicated to IT or security. Those functions that go beyond basic computer knowledge that the...

Security is for the big guys

Security issues continue to make headlines, but does your business care? Are you using the common arguments: We’re too small to be targeted. We have nothing worth stealing. Security is too expensive. It’s too difficult. We’re too small to be targeted: False. Everyone...