
Essential Data Protection, Storage and Backup for Law Firms

Data breaches occur in businesses across many industries, and law firms are not immune from the threat. An estimated 80 percent of the biggest 100 law firms in the United States have suffered a data breach as the result of a cyberattack. Is your firm’s critical client data protected?

When a firm’s data is breached, sensitive and private client information is compromised. All individuals in the legal industry have an obligation, and an ethical responsibility, to protect their employees and their clients. Many clients in the legal industry have turned to Chi Corporation for data storage and protection solutions that detect impending threats, as well as ensure uninterrupted access to vital records, systems and databases necessary for firms to perform essential functions.

Keep your law firm’s or legal office’s data protected with a data storage or security solution like Palo Alto from Chi Corporation. Contact Chi Corporation today to speak to a knowledgeable product representative.