Cloud-Driven Networking
Powered by Machine Learning and AI.

Secure 4th generation cloud-driven network management,
access control, and business insights.


We design our solutions with one thing in mind: to streamline your network operations and advance your mission. Through applied data intelligence, our cloud creates a networking experience which takes care of you, not the other way around.


Scaling up and out from a single device to millions, across a range of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises platforms, we tailor our solutions to our customers' connectivity and commercial needs.


Architected to power and visualize meaningful data, helping to connect our tens of thousands of customers with tens of millions of their insights to advance IT and business operations and customer experience.

Designed to streamline your network operations, Extreme Network solutions allow you to scale up and out from a single device to millions, across a range of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises platforms. Powered by machine learning our tailored solutions allow you to advance your IT and business operations to deliver an enhanced customer experience.


Integrated Applications for Essential Network Operations

Extreme AirDefense simplifies the protection, monitoring and security of your Wireless LAN networks. Extreme AirDefense continuously safeguards the network from external threats 24x7x365 and provides additional visibility into the air space, and includes a dedicated dashboard to provide visibility across all locations from a wireless security perspective. DATA SHEET

ExtremeGuest is a robust and comprehensive guest engagement solution that enables IT administrators to use analytical insights to engage visitors with personalized engagements. For retail it is about knowing how many customers enter the store and how long they stay, for education, what students are on campus and in class, and for public venues, having the ability to customize splash pages to better engage with visitors. DATA SHEET

ExtremeLocation Essentials supports Wi-Fi and BLE technologies, and enterprises can monitor workflows and assets, the current activity or historically, to improve their overall operations and efficiency. ExtremeLocation provides zone-based location accuracy resolution to support diverse industry-specific use cases. DATA SHEET

ExtremeIOT is a simple IoT security solution that is designed to protect high risk, wired IoT devices. Through the application of security profiles, it controls IoT device attachment and access to the network, and locks down IoT communications to only what’s authorized, blocking everything else. DATA SHEET